Download MI repository
When you first install VXL, or when you add a new API to your M3-environment, you need to make sure that the API-metadata is available to VPM so that the APIs can be used in the VPM-configurator.
To give VPM access to the environments API-metadata you need to download the MI-repository in M3 (which can be found in the tables related to programs MRS001, MRS002, MRS003) using the VXL-client, which then uploads this information to VPM.
NOTE! this download is only possible for a user that has been defined as a VXL-administrator in your company.
Open your VXL-client, and log in as normal. Select the environment you want do fetch the API metadata from
Clikc the “Update Repository” button
When prompted, log in to the M3 server with the appropriate credentials
When you have logged in, you will be prompted the following message
This message just states that the repository will download in the background, that you can work as normal, but do not close VXL while the download is proceeding (indicated by the progress bar that appears)
Once the download is complete, restart your VXL-client.
Downloading is only possible for a user that has been defined as a VXL-administrator in your company.