VXL - Download and install the app
In order to run VXL you need to first download the VXL-app on your computer. To download and install, follow these steps
How to download and install VXL
Login in with your email and password. If you do not have an account someone in your company needs to create one for you.
The login-screen for the website where you will download the VXL-appWhen you are logged in, click the Products tab
Click Download
On the next page, click Install and save the file. Depending on your browser you might be prompted to either save or run, and either option is fine
Execute the downloaded file and hit Install
When installation is complete you can run the VXL-app
If you intend to run VXL on a virtual machine (e.g. Citrix) then you probably do not have the option of installing software. Contact your administrator for help and they will be able to install VXL for you. Note that they will need a VM-compatible installation file that we can provide them. Just have them contact support@vince.no.