VXL - Updating MI Repository
In order for the function configurator to work for your company, you must first make sure that you have uploaded the MI repository from your M3-environments to the VXL-server. To do this, you must download this repository from your M3-environments and to the VXL app. The VXL-app will then in turn upload this information to the VXL-server and the MI-metadata can then be used in the configurator.
How to: Upload MI repository to VXL-server
Start the VXL-app and log in as usual
Go to the M3-environment that you want to upload the repository for (you have to do this for all your company’s environments)
Once you have selected your M3-environment, click the Update Repository button
The VXL-app will then download the MI-metadata using regular M3-APIs and will upload this to the VXL-server. Because you are using regular M3-APIs you will be prompted to log in to M3, just as you would before running a regular VXL-function
When you have logged in successfully, you will be presented with a new message. Read the message and click OK.
Now the download (and upload) will begin and you will see a progress-bar in the VXL app. Do not close the application until download is complete.
Note that only users that are defined as administrators for your company are able to upload a MI repository. If you are not an administrator you will not see the Update Repository button in the VXL-app